Dec 09, 2009 00:37
[i only half mean this]
a lot of people are "haters". not the dramatic ones...but the people who don't understand you, so they think there must be something wrong with you...they don't understand that everyone has her/his own concept of "success" and what that're doing something they can't/wouldn't do so they don't think you will succeed at it because they don't think they will...a lot of times this "hate" is unintentional, and a lot of times this unintentional hate shows up in the form of judgment, unsolicited advice, or gossip.
and the reason i call it "hate" is because these people either consciously don't want you to succeed at whatever your endeavor may be, or they don't believe you can so rather than encourage you to follow your path to self-fulfillment, they discourage you and urge you to follow a path to "stability" which in fact is something that does not actually exist. what makes it maddening is that often these people are either giving you advice that they themselves don't follow, or telling you to do what they would do, even though these very same people are unhappy with where their life choices have led them.
the "judge not, least ye be judged" thing is true...when you start feeling like you're in the position to tell another person what he/she needs to put on display all the less than ideal things going on in YOUR life...
it's like how people always say, never ask a single person for relationship advice...cuz you will end up single, just like them. never listen to the counsel of someone who is unhappy with him/herself. all they can give you are recipes for unhappiness.
some people are just outright haters. you can't even smile in front of them, cuz they wanna know "what you got to smile about?"
somehow, every time you make an accomplishment, rather than congratulate you, they criticize you. nothing you have achieved was by your own merit, but because you're "lucky".
if you got somethin they ain't got, they try to down it. whether that "thing" is something tangible like a car, or a pair of shoes, or something intangible like knowledge, a relationship, beauty, or self-esteem. yes you are absolutely right, i do "think i'm cute/smart/something", maybe you should act like you think you are too so you can get off my fucking NUTS.
these are the people that delight in your setbacks...they feel relieved when you fail because it makes them feel better about the fact that they've failed.
the same people bored with the complacency of their own lives get mad when someone comes along who is different from what they're used to...cuz they don't understand how someone else dared to be different, when they didn't.
now am i saying everybody, or even most ppl are like this? not at all...but there are enough...some of them are people you love and even people who think they love you...
i used to never understand when people said their haters just made them more motivated.
i won't go that far...but i will say i get where kanye got his ego from. when you have goals for yourself, you have to be driven & you can't get caught up in other people's doubts.
i have a lot of dreams. i may not accomplish them all but i will definitely have attempted to, wholeheartedly.
inner strength is a muscle, mine is getting a workout.
i'm on some new shit.
fuck the bullshit