Oct 20, 2009 09:57
The City of Chamblee is 2,009 acres or 3.5 square miles. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, Chamblee is now comprised of:
9,552 people of which
56% are Latino
24% are White
*this is really funny to me...perhaps because i live on the edge of chamblee by dunwoody...i very rarely see latinos...most of the people i see out and about are white or black. i see asians at the post office and at the bookstore.
14% are Asian
3% are African American
2% are Two or more races
1% are other Ethnic Minorities
Approximately 12 different Asian/Pacific countries and 18 Latin countries are represented within the City with almost 30 varied languages and dialects spoken as a first language. Census tract 212.04, home to 54% of the total population of the city, is 90% ethnic minority. Latinos and Southeast Asians are the largest ethnic groups within the City.
Chamblee is a youthful city with the median age being 28. Average household incomes in 1990 were $46,638 and rising with more than 10% of the households having incomes that exceed $100,000.