(no subject)

Apr 01, 2006 03:27

Just finished book IV of The Dark Tower series, Wizard and Glass.

Looooved it. I do have to say though that it irritated me how Stephen King kept dropping little snippets of information, refering to the baaad future that was to be.

Stephen King: *nudge nudge* "Ya know this character, eh? She's not gonna make it, eh? She's gonna get the ole 'one-two,' yeah? *wink wink* "The ole 'how's your father?,'" eh? *nudge nudge*

Me: "Yes. I GET it. please. I'm depressed enough about it as is....leave me alone. "

Stephen King: *wink wink* "Coming up soon, old boy! Are you ready? *nudge* A few chapters from now, yeah?"

Me: *sigh*

I don't know why Stephen King suddenly turned British in my head. *shrug* Right. Anyway.

Look Mr. King, I KNOW from the first three books that this flashback is going to end bad. I KNOW that this particular character is going to die...but must you keep reminding me that in the future, she's dead? I know this is coming...stop dropping hints, all right?!

Ok, so this situation (where you know 3 books in advance)aside...I guess I've come to realize (in a general sense) that I'd rather have character death take me completely by surprise without some premonition or foreshadowing. Maybe it depends on the book. I don't know.

George R.R. Martin randomly kills off good characters, and I love it, because it incenses me so. Eventually I become ok with it, but I always remember this strong emotional reaction that he elicited from me. Sneaky, brilliant bastard.

Ok. I completely lost track of why I started this entry. Time to quit and go read. I started Insomnia the other day. I need clarity on this Crimson King.

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