(no subject)

Nov 01, 2006 02:27

saw the peppers at voodoo this weekend.. splended

in the past seventeen years i've been alive, i've experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly. somethings i've done or seen i wouldn't wish apon my worst enemy. life can't be great all the time.. if it weren't for the hard spots... the good times wouldn't seem so great. i know i've said this a thousand times before, but it's true.

i found a new philosophy..

"one who overcomes himself is greater than one who conqures a city."

i hate how greatness is measured by a person's job, money, amount of friends, etc... because it's not. yeah a good job and the ability to support your family financially is great and all, but these things aren't what life is about... they shouldn't determain a person's greatness in life. i blame a lot of society's ideals on the media. these poor souls manipulate vulnerable minds into believing these biased articles written about Paris Hilton and whoever the fuck she's sleeping with along with bar fights Tara Ried and whoever-the-fuck else. I mean, the media in America and other countries have presented to young minds that celebrities are fucking royalty. I don't know... i should probably shut up before i offend someone.. but with this, take what you want and leave what you don't care for..

anyway... so how is life greatness measured? i mean, everyone has a different opinion of what greatness is and how to achieve this greatness. and why do we desire greatness so much? Why must we be perfect? everyone knows it is an impossible goal, yet we still strain our bodies and minds to achieve perfection. i still blame a lot of this on the media... but i digress(a little gauthier quote i had to add in there).

my point is, we always try to do something yet end up doing nothing, why not doing nothing and end up doing something? but , doing nothing is in fact doing something... full of complications... read the Tao of Pooh and you'll understand... great book by the way.
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