(no subject)

Aug 08, 2007 00:47

i wrote this from the perspective of any animal people consider food, or any animal in brutal dairy farms.
it's really wordy but it's just a thought.

Open my eyes to a whole new surrounding
This first glance seems mystical but pain whispers in my ear
Irony, Irony spare me my non-life
Why give me breath just to reclaim it later
Why give me nerves just to come crashing down
Mercy, Mercy where are your tracks
Where are you peaking through humanity's flaws and eternal cracks
What scares you from me, am I such a repulse
Given to me is life and I just want my share
Evil, Evil my hunch is you're close
You must be the one with the blazing hot metal
To identify me as though this life has not already

After this short elapse of time carved out by torture,
Death sings its praises at the rhythm of sharp edges
But the last thing I see I will remember forever
A face blurred by confusion, terror and hate

But long after your task and you're done for the day,
I remember
I remember and I am here always
My story lives on in need of an edit

Yet I am still alive
I am all creation
I remain above you because I am the defenseless
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