Sep 09, 2004 19:58
my lifes gettin better...i guess...theres still some kinks im tryin to get straighened out. so was ok..nothin special happened. not like anything special does. not to me. ahh well ill live. i wanted to go to mexicali, then to the football game then to 5th quarter tom. but i cant b.c my mom n dad are goin out to eat with ppl. it really sucks. but o well. ill find somethin to do. i know one things for sure gettin out of this house. i didnt do anything last weekend. not anything fun at least. IF ANYBODY WANTS TO DO SOMETHIN THIS WEEKEND-CALL ME! that would be nice. im gonna go.
***True treasure is not found on pirateships, in chests of silver and gold. True treasure isn`t ruby rings and jewls from long ago. You don`t need to use a treasure map and find chests beneath the sea. True treasure is simply the love and joy found in you and me.***