Nov 11, 2008 12:05
Well in the event you haven't noticed, the job market sucks. :) I know several places happen to have "now hiring" signs in their window, but I also take notice to the time of year. After December those signs will disappear and the unemployment numbers will rise once again; gotta love Christmas. :) For now though I started back up with Michael's to have at least some cash coming in beyond what I sell. A lot of the same people work there, but with some new additions that are actually easy to get along with. I also just work the floor so no registers or dealing with the psycho customers, and my hourly wadge is now higher than when I left given my previous experience. So all in all things are looking up for now.
I've also started hearing back from people on jobs with the state I've applied for. One was for "Graphic Arts Technician" and another for a clerical position with the department of corrections. The story with the second one is kinda funny. The graphic arts job is the one I would prefer, and my past experience most works for. Plus its a nice way to build up the experience I want before going for my masters. The problem is that the application deadline is the 26th and there's no telling on how long processing, screening, and actual interviews will take. If I were to get the job that may not happen until early next year. That's where the second job comes in. If I come to get that job I get rep. with the state department, a plus, and can still keep up my application with the technician job. If it came to me being offered the job then I can easily transfer over to it.
My interview with the clerical job was this past week, and that turned out to be rather interesting. I received a letter in the mail stating the department of corrections wanted to have an interview with me on this position, and that I had tied with 133 other people on the possible gaining of this job. Basically this meant that in all 134 people who took the test were intelligent enough for this slot, and now they were wanting to see who was still interested; as well as weed out the ones they didn't like. So in comes the "screening". This just meant that you came to give your resume to them, listen to them explain the job, and ask any questions you may have. From first impressions they give an assessment in their heads on whether you would work there, and give a date on when they will call you back and let you know either way. In that time they finish interviews and review resumes.
I didn't want to seem overly qualified for this job, and so with my amazing acting talents I made myself appear like a clerk. I was dressed in black slacks, gray shirt, black tie, and a black sweater vest. I at first got my buildings mixed up and went to one with "department of corrections" written on the side... I found out that it was condemned soon after my arrival. I was with my step-dad and he was insisting that he knew where we were going (despite the fact he's the one that took us to the condemned building). On the third incorrect building we came to I was able to find a front desk so as to ask them, and find out that it was the building just across the street. I left my step-dad and walked there myself :). I did call and let him know where I was though. However, I was five or so minutes late for my "interview". I did give my apologies and explain that I had gotten my buildings confused. Hopefully that didn't knock me down to much. Though when I came to their front desk and asked for the lady who was to interview me they stated it was the woman at the end of the counter. I looked and wanted to ask: "Are you sure?"
My family has always come to work with the state departments, and after seeing them at work and what not I've come to expect a certain atmosphere of profession when it comes to state department offices. This lady was a 180 of that atmosphere. I'm used to seeing suits and ties, pants suits and dresses, you're basic expectations of business dress. As I said hello I took notice to her faded jeans and worn tennis shoes. As well as the green, untucked, poloshirt she happen to be wearing. You may think that maybe she just wasn't well off in life, I had that thought, but then I took notice to the five gold chains around her neck. The large kind of gold chains with the gaudy and large gold pendant pieces of Jesus Christ. The kind that people where to simply scream out "look at my bling bling". In the end, I felt way over dressed.
In the end she herself was a very nice lady, and the job was not demanding. It's basically just filing, and that's all I'm required to do. I seemingly can not be asked to help other departments, and should I finish with what I've been given I can simply sit down, read, and be paid for it. I began to wonder: "You really needed to exam people for this?" Thank God for being an actor with the ability to keep a straight face. Though I kept polite and well mannered, and should hear back on the 17th. The only reason why I shouldn't be called back for a second interview would be over qualifacation. :- /