Apr 28, 2008 17:54
For those of you who don't know this already, here is a little background info for this entry...
I used to work for a company named Action In Mailing; AIM for short. I was hired as a graphic designer in their printing department because the plant manager wanted to add graphic design to the company's business offerings. That way they could not just charge for the mass printing and mailing, but possibly the designing of the printed pieces. This would bring in more money and make the owner more happy. The problem was that Pat Parvin, the owner, was one hell of a greedy bastard. He happened to live a very well to do life with this company, but when times began to get hard on him he made some rather odd choices. Instead of tightening his belt and realizing he had to cut back on his personal spending he decided to cut back with the company. This included the quality of work done, the repairing of machines, the quality of machines, and the treatment of employees.
Eventually he made the choice to downsize his company. In this he fired one third of his staff; most of whom were on the production line. Now yes, some companies do this to survive. However, he then decided to take on more jobs and more work to bring in more income. The problem with this was that we were barely making deadlines as it was. Now we have less staff to make sure things get done on time, and more work to do on top of that. All of this is happening during the sending out of letters for National American Miss. This is the company's largest client and a small job for them is the printing, sorting, and mailing of 250,000 letters for them. That is for one job, and we usually got three or four in a weeks time. We also had to print out a preview of the work, have the client approve it, and then we could print it. Though they usually had to see it three or four times and took their sweet time in getting it back to us. So that on top of several other jobs, and being under staffed, didn't help us much.
Eventually he decided he wasn't making as much income as he wanted. So he decided to make more cut backs and fired the plant manager so he could take her place. Things got more chaotic... Since there was no longer a plant manager there and he had his daughter, who loved to come in and attempt to do the graphic design jobs herself, he decided he no longer needed me. He called me into his office and began to talk about how he worried about my health, my ability to do my job, and that he was going to have to let me go. I simply told him: "Sir, upon my evaluation three weeks ago you sung my praises, you have had me as head of the laser department for three months now with no complaints, and where I was promised a raise upon my evaluation when I was hired you have failed to comply. You claim you don't have the money for it. You claim you lack the faith in me to do this job, I would appreciate you not to lie to me and say that you just don't have the money to keep me on staff." I was supposed to sign a document about them informing me why I was being let go, but I refused to sign because I felt the letter did not reveal the true reasons as to why I was being let go.
Now to present day...
I got a letter in the mail today. When I read the cover I began to wonder "what the hell?" I asked mom and she began to wonder what the hell, snatched the letter from me, and read what the hell was going on. The letter was a letter of bankruptcy. Seemingly Pat Parvin's stupidity finally caught up with him and he is now having to file for bankruptcy. Well I died laughing at this. Though I began to wonder how my friends from there were because I hadn't talked to them in a while. So I texted Kat and she called me later to say that she had quit four days or so ago. Pat had begun to go crazy chewing her out for the slightest error. The entire printing staff seemingly were debating walking out on him also. Though she put in her notice and left. It seems that Beth, the company's accountant, had quit before Kat left. This meant that now there was no one there to handle their accounting and paychecks. Also, since Beth was the accountant and knew every detail about the money issues. Her leaving of her own free will meant there really was something wrong with that company's finances.
Though I know this all had nothing to do with me specifically, it just makes me wonder if God decided to smack him down for doing what he did to me and all the rest. Or if it was just a piece of dumb luck caused by Pat's sheer stupidity. The man started that company from scratch, but in the end began to only look out for himself. He forgot that without his staff he wouldn't have what he had now. He saw them as pawns to move and discard has he saw fit, and in the end that greed and stupidity caused him to lose everything. Still, no matter if it was divine intervention or just dumb luck, I'm still laughing that he finally got what he had coming to him.