Sep 30, 2005 00:46
If you had a time machine...would you go into the future?
Or, would you go to the past?
I dont hesitate to addmit, Id be setting my dial backwards. There is a problem though...there are no time machines...and I cant go into the past. So I have to live for the future...because I can bank on the fact that the future is the one of the two that I will get to see.
Im having lots of random thoughts lately. Like this one...
Ive been really happy for the last couple weeks, but im kinda depressed right now. I dont know why, and I dont really have any reason to be this way. The only explanation I can afford myself is the old saying, that what goes up, must come down. So is that a true statement the other way around? ...Of course it is! If you're WILL go back up. The fact that I was recently very happy is proof of this. I wonder though, how much different life would be...if there was no up and roller coaster of emotion. If everyone was always happy, and if everyone knew that everything was gonna be ok, and believed it. Someone that reads this is going to think..."Well, if there were no downs to go with the ups, then there would be no appreciation for the happiness." True, but this is my journal dammit! lol. I know that its commonly accepted that you cant have love without hate, sadness without happiness, wealth without poverty, and light without dark. I for one throw a vote against common acceptance!! How cool would it be though, if there was no negative? I cant comprehend it, yet somewhere inside of me I know that one day I will see it. Maybe then, there will be no past present or future to worry about or stress over. cant wait