Not important, but during my literature search I found an entertaining sequence of papers. Here they are, in chronological order:
- Morel and Renvoise. "Global Optimization by Suppression of Partial Redundancies." 1979. It's about optimizing computer code by removing redundant computation. The "partial" means you can do this even if the code is redundant on just some paths through the code, not all paths.
- Drechsler and Stadel. "A Solution to a Problem with Morel and Renvoise's 'Global Optimization by Suppression of Partial Redundancies.'" Submitted 1985, revised, published 1988. It has just one reference, to the Morel and Renvoise paper. They point out a bug in Morel and Renvoise's algorithm.
- Sorkin. "Some Comments on 'A Solution to a Problem with Morel and Renvoise's "Global Optimization by Suppression of Partial Redundancies."'" 1989. First of all, this is an impressive example of the rule about double quotes and single quotes with three levels of nested quotations. Second of all, they point out that the bug Drechsler and Stadel pointed out was solved previously by Joshi and Dhamdere (1982) and independently by Chow (1983/4). Furthermore, either of those solutions works better than Dreshsler and Stadel's solution, which needlessly inserts nodes.
The whole thing reminds me of "Spy vs. Spy."
OK, back to dissertating.