(no subject)

Mar 15, 2005 18:23

well...today really sucked...in the morning i went to p.e thinking ok this day is gunna just be another suky day at school like usual...well mr. Oronoz~~ o0o everyone scared of him guy comes in and says that i needed to go with him and that i wouldnt be comeing back to class :o/  like i knew what that ment? and he sed that i was being suspended for smoking on school grounds..and i thought well holy shit because my mom is gunna flip out when she hears this...well i finally reach my mom on the phone and she says thats she couldnt come get me so i sat in a chair  FOR 9 HOURS STRAIGHT...and if people know me i cant really sit still for one hour...but fukin 9 hours shit    that sucked....well i sat there and i read did some history and stared into nothingness...and when my mom other finally came the car ride home was soo much worse than sitting there...what it all comes down to is she thinks i have some deep hatred towards her and that i have issues and need to see a therapist.....hate therapy by the way........and im grounded of course    well....i guess i feel just plain shittyyyy

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