Well, I'm still ironing out the details of things and slowly fleshing out the informational posts of the community, but there's some things I wanted to get your opinions on, guys.
Most of the roleplaying for this AU will be taking place in
sixwordstories, probably, but I've been thinking a way we can all keep up with what each other are doing that required as little effort as possible. I know most everyone's always busy with work, school, and ten billion other roleplays and tags, so I'll list the couple of ideas I have so far.
Post links to threads here
If you make a SWS post, or think a thread you're having in someone else's post needs to be shared with everyone; just post it here in this community.
Post links to threads in your own journals
We could all friend each other and make our link posts in our own journals.
I'm not sure what other options there are, but if you guys have any suggestions: BRING IT. If you like one option better than the other: TELL US. No option at all? SAY IT ANYWAY.
ALSO: If you know someone who might want to join, or who may easily be bribed, send them this way!
ALSOALSO: Don't be afraid to make a post of your own in the community if you have plot ideas, or have issues that need to be raised, or anything.