Nov 11, 2006 23:11
What do I want the most?
That is a tough question to answer because it’s full of ‘what if’s’ and ‘might have been’s’ - what if I had had a different dream? A different drive? What if I hadn’t gone to the Board of Governors that day? What if they hadn’t rejected me? What if I hadn’t gone to the Red Rat and met Lucy... what if I hadn’t experimented on myself... what if I hadn’t set Hyde free? Would things have changed? Would they have been different in subtle ways or at all? Would all this have really been different?
I want a lot of things… I want a home, I want to feel safe, to love and be loved in return, children… I know that sounds idealistic and a touch romantic but I just want to be normal. I just want to be able to get on with my life without worrying what Hyde is going to do if I get close to anyone, without worrying what Hyde is going to every time he takes control because I cannot stop him any more than I can stop myself and believe me I’ve tried...
I want to be able to sleep without the nightmares, want to stop seeing their faces every time I close my eyes. I want to be able to do what I want without fear of him hurting anyone or worse… I want the job back I loved, I want to meet people again, I want to just live my life for me and nobody else.
But most of all I want peace...
all timelines,