72 New Who Icons (my first donna batch yay!!)

May 07, 2008 13:57

72 New Who Icons
{26} 3x12 The Sound of Drums
{12} 4x03 Planet of the Ood
{24} 4x04 The Sontaran Stratagem
{10} 4x05 Poison Sky

Some New Who )

doctor who [10th doctor: martha], doctor who [10th doctor: donna], doctor who [10th doctor]

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zauberer_sirin May 7 2008, 21:09:54 UTC
omg is that a Master/Martha icon I spy? *dies happily*

excellent as always. you are my favourite doctor who iconmaker.


oltha_heri May 7 2008, 22:17:07 UTC
OMG that icon was a complete accident I meant it to be about the evil he inflicts but that interpretation is a hundred and fifteen times better, because crack!pairings need love too.

Thank you. My ego is insanely stroked that I am someone's favourite. :)


zauberer_sirin May 8 2008, 20:45:33 UTC
I finished writing a 300+ pages fic about Master/Martha so I'm seeing things everywhere, your icons should not be subjected to my lunacy XD

There's something about your style of iconing that somehow captures what I feel about Doctor Who, specially the old skool ones. Does that make any sense?


oltha_heri May 9 2008, 23:50:18 UTC
300+ Pages! Colour me impressed. And what good are images, icons are otherwise, if not subjected to fannish lunacy. I am currently making Romana/Everyone else icons (more Romana/Master icons with some Romana/Leela, Romana/Various Doctors, Romana/Martha, etc), so lunacy is good for icons.

Thank you about the icons. I am glad I can capture it as that to me is a very good sign of an icon maker's skill so my ego is boiling with joy.


zauberer_sirin May 10 2008, 12:39:42 UTC
Romana/Master icons yay! I've been nagging everyone I know to make me some Romana/Master icons so yeah, I'm pretty open to the idea. It's not like I explode with SQUEE every time I watch the "Hamlet" version with Derek Jacobi as Hamlet and Lalla Ward as Ophelia. No, no. Or that I rewind obssessively the scenes where they touch and hug and stuff...


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