Sep 20, 2004 14:13
This week has sucked huge amounts of ass. On tuesday, I got in a car crash. Some asshole came barreling up Alpine Blv. in the middle of the fucking road doing 60-70. I had 3 options: hit head him head on, Swerve off the cliff to my left, or swerve into the dirt embankment on my right. Being the dumbass I am, I swerved into the embankment (I should have gone off the 150 ft drop and waited for Superman to fly up and save me). Then he decided to not have to deal with it and drive off.
My parents have been taking their time with getting it fixed. By that, I mean they haven't done anything whatsoever to even find a place to get it fixed, despite telling me that they will do it A.S.A. To quote one person - "Why don't you just call the towtruck yourself?" Hi, I'm not 18 yet and therefore I have to keep the car under my mom's name, even I don't let my 'rents use it. I barely scraped the other guy, but it was enough to bust my hub cap off and push my radiator way in. I now owe my parents $3000, so I'm going to pick up a few job applications later today. The fucking stupid part is that the most expensive thing is reseting the air bags, which will cost $2000. Yes, 2 grand just to FUCKING RESET THE AIRBAGS. If anyone that works for Toyota reads this, by chance, you guys need to shoot yourselves so that pissed off customers don't.
Was supposed to hang out with alot of different people this week and weekend. I was also going to get my bridge peirced on Saturday. One problem: no fucking car. On an optimistic note, at least I wasn't hurt. Oh wait, at this point that's more of a pesimistic note.