
Jan 01, 2007 23:08

this idea stolen from Jade :]
resolutions for 2007:
1.Finish what I start
2.loose the rest of my whieght
3.not to skip so much next year
4.finish all the books i have to read
5.Pass school with C's and above
6.Figure out a GOOD living situation
7.Figure out what to do with myself.
8.quit some bad habits
9.get a boyfriend who isnt 99.9% gay, or a compulsive liar, or retardedly stupid. a boyfriend whom i actually LIKE!
10. get a car
11. get car insurance.
12. keep my job
13. get into college
14. say whats on my mind more.
15. accept the fact that i'm growing up.
16. go on as many road trips as possible
17. hang out with freshman posse WAY WAY WAY more
18. no more theft.
19. get a real cell phone.

i'll probably add more later.

new years was good... it could have been alot better, but oh well.
Today was good, i stayed home all day, except for denny's for a half hour, getting cigarettes for my dad, and picking up my brother.
Tomarrow I hang out with Tom.
Wedesnday I go back to school.
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