Fandom: Roswell
Author: vodooman
Rating: PG
Genre: angst, AU
Characters/Pairings: Max, Tess
Any warnings: none. Not really.
Disclaimer: Roswell and its characters are not mine. I only write fan fiction for funs and entertainment.
A/N: Short drabble... A what if drabble... What if Tess had been captured by the government before she could escape from earth... An AU in which everyone hates her... because of what she did... and she is still on earth. Somewhere.
Sometimes when Max sleeps he has a nightmare of Tess inside a white room. She cries and tries to hide in one of the corners; and even if he tries to ignore it, telling himself that she deserves what ever fate she has, her whimpers never disappear. He tells himself that she is dead to him, and that he doesn’t care. But the nightmare is still there. It never leaves him.
Sometimes, when she isn’t too tiered from the testing that has been conducted on her, she tries to communicate with Max in his sleep. She shows him where she is, what has happened to her. She wants him to find her and to save her; but no help ever comes. She is always on her own.