Oct 22, 2008 08:10
So about three thirty this morning my dreams were interrupted by my phone ringing. Now this caused me to think two things simultaneously. "Damn is 6 already" and "YAY! Its Friday" (My Friday alarm is the same as my ring tone) So I looked at my phone and realized I couldn't turn off the alarm because it was somebody calling me not an alarm, which confused me greatly. It was a Baton Rouge number so I answered it just in case. The following conversation ensued.
Me: (sleepily) Hello?
Man on the phone: Hey, who's this?
Me: Miranda
MotP: Who?
Me: Miranda
MotP: Oh I'm sorry. Though you sound lovely. Where are you from?
Me: Louisiana
MotP: Where in Louisiana?
Me: Around (lucky for me my half asleep mind still allows me to know that giving a random stranger the place I live is bad)
MotP: *laughs* Around, I mean like west side, east side, south side? What're you doing?
Me: Sleeping (At this point I am a little more awake. Who wouldn't be sleeping at 3 in the morning? Apparently this guy)
MotP: Sleeping? You gotta boyfriend?
Me: I have a fiancee (Thank god its true!)
The man on the phone then says something to suggest that either my fiancee doesn't treat me right or that I am the type of woman who would cheat. I don't really wait to hear what he says and hang up. Man I get the weirdest phone calls. Seriously? You get a wrong number at 3 in the morning and instead of apologizing and hanging up you chat up the girl? What the fuck!?
late nights,