fackin' fack! fack this meme!

Feb 17, 2010 18:26

freaky_eggplant tagged me in a stupid meme again! i'm being made to suffer! now you must too:

A - List 7 habits/quirks/facts
B - Tag 7 people to do the same
C - Don't tag the person who tagged you, or tag "Whoever wants to do it"

1. i'm totally OCD! i wash my hands about a dozen times a day (making them really dry, and break out in eczema in teh winterz), i love metadata and data rationalization, and ordering and organizing stuff (especially information, or even abstract concepts)... this is why music production appeals to me.

2. i have an extensive visual arts background. ten years of structured art and art history education, including techniques with various media (painting, life drawing, ceramics, film photography, etching and drypoint, printmaking, sculpture, design, etc.).

3. my thumbs are double-jointed. some people thing it's gross.

4. i pull at my beard when i am thinking or concentrating (this could be a corollary to #1). sometimes i notice that i am doing it while talking to other people. a lot. i'm doing it right now.

5. i like being practical. things that are impractical sometimes annoy me and get on my nerves. it's like they're defying the laws of physics and the universe. act practical!

6. fact: i've never in my life been drunk.

7. i make up songs about my cats, and sing said songs to the cats. sometimes i have to make up words in order to complete the rhymes. can you think of words that rhyme with agamemnon or relic?

i tag (edited): seamonkey_mags, fiercekitty, curriejean, this_red_crow, audrawilliams, littlegirltoast, and sigmasix kissingamemory! take that, you fackers!


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