Aug 07, 2007 20:41
I'm not sure if the news just doesn't include this (it doesn't cover Iraq at all, ever) or if it isn't harped on like it is on American networks, or if I just don't pay attention:
I realized only today how nice it is to be isolated from all the bad news in the world. Only when I check do I find out there was a mass shooting somewhere, more death and destruction in the Middle East, people trapped in a coal mine (as I found out today), millions left homeless on the Indian subcontient (also read that today).
Of course the evening news covered the bridge collapse in Minnesota but there weren't six news specials on it plus a two hour Dateline memorial slash investigate piece. They run pieces on bad things that happen in Spain, like car crashes and crime/shooting deaths, but I guess I don't feel the same sense of despair as I would with my compatriots in the US. That is awful but I just don't feel like I share that necessary, basic bond that enables me to commiserate and empathize.
It gets so exhausting and numbing to hear about so much hatred and violence manifesting itself at home, so many people desolate and homeless and hungry. Natural disasters, rape, robbery, murder, bombings. I know they exist but throwing small tragedies in my face repeatedly, with incredible urgency, makes me desensitized to all suffering, it feels like.