(no subject)

Jul 20, 2007 20:51

went to a Chupiteria (a bar where their specialty is shots) with the group last night after going out for desserts and had a shot of absinthe in honor of my 21st birthday. (now keep in mind i don't get wasted. i had my one token drink and got the hell out of there. too many creepy people.)

instead of thinking about how risqué or exciting it was, all i could think about was one of my best high school friends, Shannon. absinthe makes me think only of Moulin Rouge and i wished she could be there with me to share it.

all emotional confusion aside, i had some freaking awesome chocolate cake and sang karaoke later on. this was my early birthday party (with a bunch of other people whose birthdays are close to mine) since nobody will really be around this weekend to celebrate. i had so much fun even though i think you're supposed to get puking drunk when you celebrate your 21st and i, uh, barely got tipsy. but hey, i can do it my way.

almost dinner time wahoo! going to Toledo tomorrow morning. that is where they made all of the swords for the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Toledo has been famous for swordmaking since the 1400s i believe. plus of course they have sweet castles. i am going to buy Nick a sword or a dagger while i am there. sweeeeeet

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