Apr 12, 2004 15:13
Ah...well Saturday kinda suckedas far as playing goes but it was fun nonetheless, I forgot almost all of our songs and everyone could tell...but I warned people we were going to suck. Cory M. videotaped us and Iggy and Chris watched it and told m that I looked like and idiot, but oh well, just proves that we need to practice because the guy who wrote most of the stuff doesn't even remember it all, but Mike sang well and what we did remember sounded good. It was also the best Uncle Bill we've ever done, the breakdown was nust but no one was moving cuz...I don't know why. but TML played so well I am extremely impressed with their new stuff, they write such awesome new stuff.
That night I went to Worcester to see Smitty's car cuz it was in a show, he won best Hyundai and best Audi haha....he doesn't have an Audi...but seriously his car is sick. 2001 Hyundai Tiburon, full body kit, $9,000 purple-blue flip flop paint job, in dash molded screen, DVD CD player, air-ride....so sick
That was fun, I got to see Shane and Al's dorm room and his school. There are a lot of really creepy humans in Worcester but it is a really nice, mostly clean city.