I saw this and thought it was cute..

Jul 21, 2005 00:23

Socialism - You have two cows. You keep one and give the other to your neighbour
Communism - You have two cows. The government takes both and shares the milk between you and your neighbour
Facism - You have 2 cows. You give the milk to the Government and they sell it back to you.
Nazism - You have 2 cows. The Government shoots you and takes both cows.
Capitalism - You have 2 cows. You milk them both and pour the lot down the drain to keep the price up.
Welfare System - You have 2 cows. You milk them and give them the milk to drink.
Bureaucracy - You have 2 cows. You fill in 17 forms in triplicate and don’t have time to milk them.
Idealism - You have 2 cows. You get married and your wife milks them.
Realism - You have 2 cows. You get married and you still milk them.
Common Sense - You have 2 cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
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