Harry tells Ron and Hermione about the horcruxes during charms. Ron is so astounded that he makes it snow which leads to the first time JKR uses a non-aggressive adverb in describing Hermione talking to Ron. SCORE! Of course, Lavender can tell that Hermione is talking "patiently" instead of snapping, berating, or otherwise belittling Ron and she
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#1. Draco has gotten depth. DEPTH. FINALLY. Haven't 99% of us in the fandom been waiting for this? This is my absolute SQUEEing moment, because this cleared the doubt I always had. I'm no Draco fangirl, but I really, really, really liked how JKR portrayed Draco here. Crying, putting his defences down and "confiding" in the unlikiest person ever. That said, *SQUUEEEEEE*!
#2. Roonil Wazlib is mentioned here again! The exchange between Harry and Snape totally cracked me up for some reason! XDDDDD
#3. VINDICATED. Who endured the fandom taunts of being the "n00b/weak" ship? The H/G 'shippers. Man, I totally am in love with the H/G kiss. What's more, Hermione was there, as ever so supportive! And poor Ron, if he only had a clue about his bestmate fancying his sister, he'd have reacted like Hermione! Pity Luna wasn't in the scene! It's not a bad thing JKR's leaving us the Walk to our imaginations, is it? SUNLIT-DAYS, people, not wet and salty!!! =DD
And I can't help it:
Okay, I'll shut up. Don't want to hurt anyone's feelings on this.
It's H/G. Sealed with a kiss. *dies*
oh, except the Draco-lurve!
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