It's basically a fighting anime. An AMAZING fighting anime.
I'd first seen it way back when I was 15 or 16 years old, I use to watch TV secretly late at night, volume way down low, one ear to the door in case my parents knew I was up.
I did this a fact, some of the best times from high school are me alone at midnight to four in the morning watching anime and cartoons. It's silly, but I fucking loved it.
Until recently though, I hadn't really seen most of this series, because of the sporadic nature of my viewership back in the day. Well, thank goodness for the advent of TV on DVD, because I slowly collected all four seasons. I've been meandering my way through them for awhile now, since the summer I think, taking my time really, but the closer I got to the end, the more fervent and earnest I was to consume Yu Yu Hakusho as fast as I could, but I knew I'd regret it when I was finished.
Well, I just finished it...and I feel...very nostalgic.
It isn't everyday you find a bridge into your past, something both old and new, which is exactly what this series is to me. Right down to the difference in animation towards the end, it was as if this series was meant to exist in two different times of my life.
This was great...thanks Yusuke. Thanks for everything.