obsessive compulsive listing disorder

Oct 13, 2010 14:55

So...I have this pet peeve of mine about my blog's list of friends.

I absolutely abhor having dead journals on my friends list. It just looks messy and bugs my sense of order.

I also dislike having inactive people on my friends list...call it callous, but I don't expect to be watched if I don't blog for a couple years, and I don't think anyone else should either. It's not that I particularly want to unfriend anyone, I just like to be able to find my active friends' usernames quickly to get to their journals when I want to. Which I do often, because I get bored and like to lurk and look at peoples' styles and journal settings.

Half of me is nostalgic about keeping all my high school buddies on here. The other half wants to clean things up...

I think it's time I cleaned things up. I'm going to save a list of all my friends at this point, but otherwise I'm deleting all the dead journals.

If you are still logging in and viewing/commenting/community...ing (that's a word now)
...please let me know on this post, and I'll keep you. I love reading my friend posts and being connected, so don't think this is a bitch move. Just an OCD one! Blame my brain.

The following users are exempt:
tomariq (well, you did respark my blog in a way)
loosen_up_judas aka another_jones (obviously)
chameleonsam (one of my original friends!)
grokfairy (of course! I need my queer bloggers)
lexis_journal (you always have great comments, even without updates anymore I love having you!)
last_archangel (sooo active still!)
mairose (I see you lurking every now and then, and I hope for an update eventually!)
poxyd (duh)
puella_nerdii (your name reminds me of Latin class. And your updates are stellar!)
sirensiren_ (I dig your bass guitar skillz)
wallflower9 (octopus mustache.)
xoeden (because you will ALWAYS be a friend of my blogs)
xdaysleeperx (well...you ARE, after all, the only unicorn I know)

Sooooo.....the guy with 72 friends will now be cut to 13. Oh, the humanity!! Actually, it's refreshing. I feel like those who still blog are the ones worth listening to, at least on the above list.

So, if you're out there, comment and save yourself from the culling! Ouch, that sounds harsh.

livejournal, friends

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