don't panic, it's organic!!

Nov 18, 2008 21:58

What are your feelings on marijuana? I'm interested to know because it's such a conflicting topic...

I find it confusing that people are okay with drinking themselves into a stupor...but look down on people who get high on a Saturday night with a couple friends and laugh about the Simpsons.

Also, people who are okay with drinking and cigarettes and pot allowed, and you're dumb if you smoke, according to them...I just find it hard to understand.

As far as I know, from experience as well as research, getting high is actually less dangerous/painful/vomit-inducing than getting drunk ends up being...I mean, I've never really felt embarrassed hardcore after a good smoke out, but I can definitely recall a few times I didn't make eye contact with someone after a night of drinking.

I think pot should be totally legal. Bottom line, it's just like alcohol, in fact better. Not that it's without its own dangers (lung cancer, pneumonia if you cough too much apparently, etc) but in moderation you're all good.

So share please, I wanna know what your feelings are on the matter. Why/why not you're into pot etc...if you feel like sharing. Obviously some of you I've talked to already. Feel free to share nonetheless if you wanna.


ps - I'm feeling about 75% better. These antibiotics are magic *_*

ganja, drugs, inebriation

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