Jan 15, 2006 12:00
This morning I had an interesting dream. It was kinda taking place in a school, but the school was like in a castle and on a tropical islandish setting and I had this assignment of some sort where I had to cut off my leg so the teacher could evaluate my training or something. Once I cut it off, I was worried that rigamortis would set in and I wouldn't get a good grade, so I had to find the teacher to figure out whether I should fold the leg into the box or leave it straight. On the way of finding the teacher, I got side-tracked and somehow managed to find a classroom with Rufus Wainwright and I was kinda scared that he'd leave without me getting to talk to him/get his autograph so I told him to please wait there and I frantically looked for a pen and paper or something, cursing myself for not bringing his CD or something hahaha. So then I kinda forgot about him. I saw him in the hallway a bit later, but I just said hey or something, and continued on my way.
FINALLY, I found my teacher and she was this big fat woman and she was surprised and pleased I had chosen to use my leg for the project. However, I don't think I ever got an answer from her, cuz then this annoying yet cute parate/chicken thing was stuck in a fence and I had this odd need to tickle its bottom hehehe, I have no clue why, either!! It looked fluffy, and it had 4 legs, to, chicken legs, and it looked like a chicken at first, until I righted it and it was a parate. I then felt an anormous pressure on my molars, and I made a supressing motion with my hands and arms and the feeling slowly subsided.
Then I kinda woke up and wondered to myself abotu the weirdness of dreams. First, I wondered why I could move around fine, pain free, in the dream with only one leg. Then I wanted to know what the fuck was up with that parrat/chicken thing and my molars. But I was also frustrated that I hadn't gotten Rufus Wainwright's autograph :(
*le sigh* Only in my dreams do things end up so crazy...hehehe