Apr 14, 2009 01:25
Things change, things stay the same, and sometimes they do both at once. Cait once again had a lunch date with Zippy Levine, and once again there were family issues and heartaches on the table for discussion. But they would eat this lunch amidst the artistically lit black-and-chrome of Elle, one of the writer's recent finds as far as eateries went, instead of the far more casual Ess-a-Bagel. She fully expected Zippy to kvetch in the best Yiddish style when she saw the prices. No matter. Cait had the advance money for her latest novel and was in the mood to spend some of it indulging a friend.
Another difference and another reason for that indulgence: this time the family mess was Zippy's, not Cait's. When they'd spoken on the phone to finalize their lunch plans, the librarian had sounded depressed and angry, frustrated and apathetic all at the same time. Cait chewed her lip, murmuring responses by rote as a black-clad hostess guided her to a table for two. Hopefully a sympathetic ear and some good food-- and Elle was very good -- would help.
Scanning the menu while the server went to fetch her iced tea, Cait smiled to see that the selections had changed yet again. The fusion influences looked to circle the Mediterranean this time, incorporating Spanish, Italian, Greek and even some North African influences. Maybe some tapas to start, and then she'd likely go with the 'chef's choice' again. Venturing into the unknown was more delight than risk here. Settling back in her chair, the púca scanned the entrance for signs of Zippy's arrival.