Jun 19, 2009 08:22

Are you trying to get Dean to WANT to try and kill you every single time?? =O I think we know that one of us other muses already is trying by all means to kill you. That creepy lady Lucy? Remember her?

Yeah, I've heard about her, enough from somebody else once.

Anyway, you've got to STOP driving him CRAZY! >.< If anything, don't let him see his car being torn apart!! You know how much he adores that car! ...I'm fond of the guy, and he's my friend, you know? And I certainly don't like the idea of the Impala being in PIECES. I wanna at least take a ride in it someday!

If you really feel one of the two MUST happen, then do the repaint option. He could always get it back to the way it was before. Heck, I'll even help him out by any means necessary if I have to, somehow!

Sheesh... Oh, and just WHY am I being sent to that plot device? I can't fight ghosts, not unless I get the know how and tools to fight them. >.> Dean and/or Sam in the game better tell me how, or else I'll look bad!

Okay; NOW I can tag back to Tony on Phase.
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