Mar 13, 2006 10:02
Hey Aunt Bev!
How is everything? I heard you're getting your kitchen redone, that must be pretty exciting. I know my mom was thrilled when she got her tile redone. She wants to rip up the hard wood floor in the new house and put tile down there too... after the other house is sold, of course. :-)
I'm not sure if my mom told you, but I plan on transferring in the fall. UTampa is nice, but not as nice as I had hoped. I was never really able to establish myself there (no matter how much I got myself involved). Plus, it took being 1300 miles from my home to fully appreciate it. I applied to Emmanuel College in Boston, and was accepted for fall enrollment. They took all my credits too, so I won't lose anything by transferring (which was a big concern for both my parents and I). The school offered me 10k per year on merit, and I'm waiting to hear about another scholarship before I decide. But I have a feeling I'll be transferring with or without the money to back it... there's always loans.
This leads me to ask a huge favor of you. I had hoped to come home this summer, but I currently have no place to stay. I was wondering if you had an extra room I could occupy for the summer (mid-may through mid-august). The flower shop offered me my old job back, so I'd be working full time (one day off M-F and working Saturdays) and I could give you 45$ a week for food and general utilities. I eat like a mouse, and you'll probably hardly see me anyway (I'll be working almost 40 hours a week, and occasionally going out). I'll have my own car, so transportation isn't an issue. Plus I'd help out with any household things you need done, or that you ask of me. I'm pretty easy to live with.
Don't rush in getting a response to me, feel free to think it over for a while (and talk with Gerry too!). I know this is a big thing to ask, and I'd appreciate anything you could do. :-)
Hugs and Kisses,