Accomplishment for the month (or year, depending): N has successfully switched to underwear not Pull-Ups!! We had a pretty rough week the first week or so (the day I had to stop by Kohl's to buy him another cheap pair of shoes because his sneakers AND water shoes at daycare were still drying out, he peed in the car seat on the way to the store even after he'd been on the potty minutes before so I had to change him in the parking lot, AND I had to call the office to try to reschedule a customer visit but missed the customer who showed up right on time -- 15 minutes before I did-- was not the highlight of my week), but we all survived, and he's very proud of himself. And we're very proud of him!
N's friend C from a couple houses down was over to play on Saturday. At one point we all went inside to put together puzzles (N's on a puzzle kick again), and C kept saying, I'm not good at puzzles, these are hard, etc. Then C put together one whole puzzle by himself, and we all applauded, and N said, "Mommy! I want to give C a sticker!" So C got to pick out a sticker from the book we keep to reward N for stuff, he chose Lightning McQueen from Cars. I thought it was so cute that he wanted to recognize his friend like that!
Motivation at work these days is hard to come by, partially because I have to be doing Manager Stuff that makes me deeply unhappy on several levels. And my boss keeps asking me if it's done yet, and reminding me what we agreed to, etc.etc.etc. I have had good reasons (hello, already hit our billing target for September as of last week? Back on target to hit our goal for the year??) but have to get it done. better to rip the band-aid off all at once instead of by inches.
But tomorrow we're getting our new system and shipping the older one back--I'm looking forward to it as I've had a chance to play with a customer's similar model and it's very slick. Hoping for good weather, though, as we may have to take the crates off the truck a little way away from the actual building. And uncrate/repack stuff in the hallway, luckily there's not much foot traffic in our building and the old system is all ready to go. (I think the system we're returning is the one that I unpacked while 8 months pregnant with N--nothing scared those truck drivers as much as me trundling down the hallway with the toolbox and starting to take all the bolts out of the crates! I made my engineer at the time put the system together, though, as it's an awkward job normally, and I wouldn't have been able to bend far enough to do it then.)
I did get the raspberries processed into something, I'm not sure it's actually jelly as I misremembered the recipe and just boiled the (Seedless!! PITA!!) raspberry juice with an equal volume of sugar; the pectin is in the seeds, though, so we'll see. It tasted really, really good last night, though! And, worst comes to worst, it will be good for swirling into oatmeal or using as sauce for chicken or turkey or pork. Or chocolate cake.
Because what I need right now is ANOTHER THING TO DO, I've been trying my hand at knitting.
soteltie showed me how to knit/cast-on which totally fixed the biggest issue I had with it, and now I'm just messing around with some really nasty yarn I've had forever. Probably going to take it to work later in the week, as I've got some projects with dead time and I'm really sick of spider solitaire right now.
Still need to hem the tunics I'm hoping to wear at Coronation in two weeks. Considering I started them for Pilgrimage to Canterbury (LAST September) I'd really just like to get them done. This weekend is shot, though: family picnic in VT Saturday, bridal shower for my cousin's fiance on Sunday. Plus painting this box of M's for the same event, assuming he still wants that done after the carving is done.
Better go collect my tools for tomorrow. This morning I was so forgetful I left my watch, wedding rings, and planner at home. (I did remember lunch, check for daycare, replacement check for daycare gym class, and N's blanket for naptime, though. And keys. And N! Much as he would have been more than happy to stay home and play with firetrucks all day.)