Feb 22, 2012 23:21
Been lurking for a while, thought I'd jot some notes before I forget.
1) If you had told me, even 5 years ago, that someday I would deliberately invite a collection of relative stranger's kids to my house to work on craft projects, I would not have believed it possible to be more wrong about my behavior. But we had N's Destination Imagination team over yesterday aftaeFrnoon to work on props (seven 5-to-8 year olds plus a bonus 3 year old who came along with her mum & brother). That was exhausting but productive, although I think N is almost as intimidated by these sorts of projects as I am.
2) I re-read the Belgariad (David Eddings) over the weekend, in preparation for donating the books. (Anyone want them?) Fun little epic fantasy romp requiring not too many brain cells. I'd last read them so long ago that I'd forgotten almost everything except Ce'Nedra's discussion with the armorer. Also amusing to note that all 5 books are only a slightly shorter stack than the first two GRRM Song of Ice & Fire books (which I am also getting rid of, I'm not sure I ever made it through the second book once).
3) Found another author for those times where I just want a fun romp and a happy ending but I don't want to re-read yet another Heyer novel--Jo Beverly. Modern-minded characters in Regency settings with plots and writing of Danielle Steele or Judith Krantz. Fairly ridiculous but amusing.
4) I really wish that I could count on certain co-workers to put in a little more effort sometimes, rather than just showing up and expecting to have everything ready for them to skate through.
5) I also wish I could get a better handle on how electricity actually works--we're running the lemon battery project for a different group of kids tomorrow and I'm afraid I'm going to botch the explanation again because I don't fundamentally understand what's going on. Possibly I just haven't sat down and actually attempted to think it through.
Hope things are going well for you