Happy things for this week

Feb 11, 2011 13:41

1) N got his cast off today!! (4 weeks from breaking his arm) Follow up with the doctor in a week and take it easy (no gym class) but X rays look good.

2) One whole week of kindergarten, no snow days! I think this is the first full week since before December break.

3) G took his first independent step on Wednesday!! He's not quite interested in trying anything so hazardous again for a while, though, as he's having more fun cruising around the furniture and pulling the chairs down on top of himself. (This morning he was pulling one of the dining chairs back onto two legs and tipped it right over. Then he starting climbing on it like a jungle gym.)

4) G appears to be mostly over the ear infection and bronchitis from last week, since he's back to normal napping and eating and not dribbling when he drinks. I couldn't keep up with his eating last night at dinner (spinach gnocchi, steak, and broccoli).

5) I am also almost completely over whatever sickness G shared with me. Finally, I have some energy back!

6) I found a pocketbook/satchel I've been sort of hunting for for several months; I knew that I had it and couldn't remember giving it away but couldn't find it either. AND it does actually fit my laptop with my planner and purse items and paper files just like I thought it would!! (I have been using a black messenger bag which is okay and was a freebee from M's work but I wanted something a little different for taking my computer to freelancing jobs or the library or whatever.)

7) While cleaning out the bag (see #6) I found a Target gift card, and turns out it still had $30 on it!! (Also it's from Christmas 2007 . . . .) So we used that to buy N his reward (aka bribe) for good bus behavior. (We spent easily an hour looking at the LEGOs and the Hot Wheels toys at Target. Boy, am I glad we didn't go to Toys R Us, we'd still be there.)

8) Made some more progress on the freelance project; would really like to finish that up this weekend and get it back to the customer for commentary.

9) SUNSHINE!!!!!!

update, n, g, work

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