Your Candy Heart Is "Kiss Me"
You're a romantic at heart - which is quite sweet
You fall quickly and often for many people you meet.
While you're romantic, you've been know to crawl up with a dirty book
Warning to all: You're not as innocent as you may look.
What Naughty Candy Heart Are You? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva I picked up Dan yesterday and we went to Borders. Then we decided to drive around to use up gas. We got lost around forest preserves and it was pitch black and Dan told me there were monsters in the woods. (Which reminds me, I finished Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk and what I thought was the worst book ever turned out to be amazing. Except for the "felching" statement.) Anyway, we found our way back home and picked up Annie and then Estevan and Dan went to the section for adults only in the porn store for the first time! We ordered pizza from Lauren and went back to my house where Estevan and I were married and Dan and Annie were our children. Then we went through a car wash and it was liberating. Anyway, Dan's show is tonight and I'm excited about that. I just woke up and I still need to take a shower so I better get to that.
If I can't be beautiful, I want to be invisible.