maybe this took too long.

May 15, 2007 16:55

after having the one of the weirdest weekends of my life. i have come to the conclusion of what i want and who i want to be.
We finally talked and finished business that was left unfinished for far to long. We closed doors that were left open. I am happy. I still care and i guess i always will. i love you, but im not in love with you. I feel conifident this is for the best. I can finally move on.
I realized i cant move on with my life and be happy, if i hold grudges and spend time hating what i cant take back or change.  I made peace with my mom and dad. We are all actually on talking terms. and its so strange getting along with them. But i love it.  I forgive everyone. 
I decided i want to be a less judemental person. I want to be open minded, I want to be happy with who i am.  All in all i just want to be a good person. I have a plan that i hope works. I Decided drinking is probably one of the worst ideas i have ever had. I no longer feel the need to do it anymore.  you get to the point when you realize its just not worth it.  I have so much to lose. and I should be smarter in my choice of freinds and activities. I am almost eighteen, almost an adult.  Im at the point where there really  isnt room for error.   It took a good friend and three hour conversation with a complete stranger to realize how lucky i am and how much i have to lose.  I can honestly say i feel like i have it all. I am truly happy.  THis summer is going to be the best thing ever, because I'm going to make it one to remember.  I finally went and filled out appilcations yesterday. I just woke up with motivation. Not like me at all.  I want to let people get close to me.  I push the people who care most about me away.  I dont want to be afraid to be honest about how i feel anymore.  I realize theres always the chance of getting hurt, but I'll never know if i dont even give someone a chance. I want to get to know people. I hang out with so many people, and i know most of them like the back of my hand. but they dont know me because i dont let them.  I am ready to take in everything, and appreciate the small things that make me happy.   I am in the weirdest mood, and I cant complain.   
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