Sep 03, 2004 16:51
Hiya :-) so this is my lj.. i'm gonna update as much as I need to, I guess...and put surveys in here and stuff like that. I wanna make this one awesome so if you know how (gina), let me know haha. well let me start off by explaining the new s/n.....
last year my cousins and I had this big obsession with was mostly them actually, and I was never really good at playing anyway lol. but I think it all started with Golden Eye, and led to Nightfire and Halo and all of that kind of stuff.. Golden Eye was the only game I was ever decent at. Ok so this one time, I was over their house, I guess I went over around 11...and all their friends were over, playing xbox of course. I think they had 2 hooked up, so 8 of them played at a time...and that is the night where everyone just got nuts... went crazy, and started nicknaming each other... whatever the initial of the first name was, and then box at the end. so like Matt is M-Box, Phil is P-Box, etc. So that's where A-box came from. The funny thing about it is basically that they all still call each other that, even though they haven't played in a while because matty was trying to install some illegal drive that would save games to his xbox's memory without buying them, and....he melted it. I'm sure it's much funnier if you were there ;) and plus, the imyourangel one was so old....and so confusing.... and it had the x and xo's and i could never remember what order they went this is simple. like me.
now....all this week we had volleyball try outs. monday was the worst as far as conditioning goes, but honsetly compared to last year it was easy. so by wednesday they made cuts, and all the freshman we thought would get cut did. then the sophs, all I can say is finally the right amanda made it. lol :-) we had our first practice thursday and a scrimage already today. It was against they sucked. Varsity and JV both one all 3 of their it was nothin. Gina, Jess, and Renee all looked really good, especially for only playing in one practice as a team... it's just gonna be a good year. I was kinda mad I didn't go in the first game, and don't really know why, but there's nothin I can do about it now. I think I jammed my finger though, when molly was hitting... I went to catch it and didn't bend my finger, and it was a really hard hit...and it hurts!! on the way home from the game my mom took me and danielle to denny's ...even though all I wanted was a bagel from dunkin donuts drive thru... so we're in denny's.. IN OUR UNIFORMS... it's so embarrassing wearing spandex in public. lol then alexis from vball and her bf came in.. and ate there too. after I got home from denny's I took a 2 hour nap... but I'm still so sleepy. but I do have the weekend and labor day off, so I have some quality resting time to look forward to.
other than that, this week was kind of eventful. Tuesday after try outs I went to ikea with my mom, mrs. schiavi (her friend) and her son jonathan. I had never been there before...that place is amazing. they have everything... we all bought so much stuff that we couldn't fit it in the car, and we took the SUV. so jon kept trying to pack the car and finally got all the boxes to fit...there was like no room left for us to was amusing. we were stuck in so much traffic, too, because it's in Philly...and i had this huge box sitting on my lap... ouch. so right after ikea we went out to eat then i went straight to the duerrs to get my hair done by lisa...i just got some more highlights. then of course all week i watched the republican convention... it was beautiful. go bush.. you freaking rock !! and zell miller was awesome, was cheney... and mccain.. and guliani or however u spell that was very impressive...and ron silver. if kerry wins this election i'm moving to like england. he makes me sick :).
"Joey" starts next thursday... I hope it doesn't suck. that would be a shame...but I don't understand how he can keep a show without the rest of Friends...or at least just Chandler.. it's depressing Friends is over though :-(
this summer was a great one....'03 was the bst one of my life, but this one wasn't bad. I went to NYC with my cousin Dan for 3 days... we caught the best Yankees/Redsox game ever, it went into 13 innings, and the Yankees won 6-5, which made it even better. love my yankees :)!! then i saw mr. clay aiken performing live on good morning america which was great fun. oh clay. then i had a break from excitement for a few weeks in july... VBS was fun. Becky Liz Justin and I were in the skit every night. then towards the end of July some very silly crap went down and let's just say I'm not losing sleep over it. it's not the way I wanted things to be, but I'm not letting it get the best of me. if she wants to act like she really thinks that, let her... she knows it's not true, and will be ready to admit it one day. thanx to megan jordan though for helpin me out so much, with everything. I love you meggers and I know you're a true friend. On that note... SA '04 was from August 2nd to 8th... amazing times had by all. that was the best part of my summer by far. got to see matty and brad and some others that live far...katelyn nd allie...and erik...and CHARLIE!!!!!! that guy is the MAN. Kev and Laura were my m+ms, and they were great. I left early Friday afternoon to see Clay again in Bethlehem, PA with sheri boppers and phil. We had fun….Clay was awesome as usual. He sang this awesome song by the group Avalon called “You Were There”. It was the best part of the show, I think. Oh and I touched his tour bus haha. Yay tour bus!!! After the concert they dropped me off in Valley Forge again to finish the rest of SA, which was only the next morning until like 2ish in the afternoon. It was worth it though, and I’m glad I got a chance to say goodbye to everyone. Well……..I think I wrote enough for now… <3 more later.
~You are my Prince of Peace and I will live my life for You~