Jun 12, 2004 22:58
Alrighty then! I just got back from a 3 day trip to West Virginia, and went to go check my e-mail. And it was /filled/ with author alerts from fanfiction.net. Simply filled. As much as I love reviewing, it can really be a hastle. I don't even really update my fic much, but reviewing is seriously going to kill me one of these days. So this is the lovely journal entry for today... and oh! I applied for an X-Men roleplay blog. Riku doesn't quite think the name, Juno, is sensible... but well, I hope I get accepted. I worked all night on the application, which is nothing to the year I've spent working on an app for Ryu.
Nyaa replied to my request on becoming Anji Mito in a Guilty Gear X2 blog, and said that if I still wanted to be part of it, I was accepted. I was /really/ happy. My first formal roleplay! Fun! I'm still waiting on the reply from Professor Dumbledore... she said she lost my roleplay sample which is as follows:
Lyle Anderson dashed into the library, trying to make as little noise as possible. Glancing around for the group of people he generally hung out with, the mentally retarded drow let his gray eyes glance around at his surroundings. He quickly spotted the members of his gang and swept over to them, using the elven grace that he had.
Pushing the glasses that helped with his disguise, he tapped one of his friends on the shoulder. The boy had catastrphically curly brown hair that looked more like an afro, but payed no heed to the mess on his head.
"What's the plan?" Anderson asked, running a hand through his unruly dark hair, paying mind to not touch his sore ears.
The boy pointed at the throng of people that sat in one corner of the library, chatting animatedly to each other and sourrounding another boy with messy black hair, glasses, but with a lightning bolt scar that was present on his forehead.
"Alright then," the cocky elf whisphered to his commrade. "What're we usin' against 'im?"
The curly-haired boy reached into his pocket and pulled out a dungbomb. A grin crossed the complacent drow as he grasped the small object in his hand and slid it into the pocket of his own robe. Lyle nodded at each with a fantastically tanned head before slinking off towards the group of beings that were like a large, brilliant red blob.
The thin, but fit, elf easily weaved between the different people as he attempted to reach the boy in the center of the group. In a matter of moments, the drow was in front of the other dark-haired boy and slid on the guise of an innocent student with an incredible obcession.
"Are you Harry Potter?" he asked, letting excitement play across his face.
"No," the boy said sarcastically. "Try a different school."
"But I thought you was Harry Potter."
The boy sighed and looked up from the parchment he was furiously scribbling on. In a monotonous voice he said, "I am."
"You are?!" Anderson screeched. "Wowie! Can I get your autograph?"
"If you must."
Lyle glanced happily around as he let his left hand slide into his pocket, plucking the dungbomb from its resting place. Harry nipped a piece of wrinkled and yellowing parchment from a pile and swiftly signed it. He handed it to the drow who let the dungbomb slide slowly through the folds of his cloak to the floor beneath the mortal's feet before grabbing it eagerly.
"Thanks!" He shouted as he happily skipped in the general direction of the door. "See ya!"
The dungbomb exploded with those words and the elf slipped from the library before Madame Pince could suspect a thing.
Arr... I worked hard on it too! ;.; I hope she finds it... even though I sent it back to her. *pouts*