Jan 22, 2010 02:34
My poor poor auntie.....
Ren: So please tell me auntie? you are the most well versed person I have ever known on Christianity.
Aunty: yes? (quesioningly)
Ren: Where did God come from? please dont tell me the standard :just have faith:
Aunty: There is a scripture in the old testiment, I dont remember the exact one but it says where he is from.
Ren: so God came from somewhere, was he alone? is he the only one of his kind?
Aunty: Well, there is his son.
Ren: So God just exists? he came from no where and he had a kid and created us in his image but he got the image from no where?
Aunty: YES, nO, yes.......
Ren: *Scratches head* soooooo then if god came from somewhere and created this universe and all of infentity then he created where he came from?
Auntie: ummmmmmmmmmmmmm
Ren: So? if god created us in his image, and since all mammels reproduce pretty much the same then he was reproduced and had GOD parents?
Auntie: NO
Ren: I dont understand? That doesnt make sense. If god made us in his image then how are we able to reproduce and he was made by someone or something?
Auntie: God just is
Ren: So basically you are saying, just have faith? ok, Faith is not something I ever lack. Answer's however, that seem's to be an infinate problem for me.
did lauren comes to the table