The Economical Frozen Turkey

Feb 22, 2019 23:00

PICTURE HEAVY: I totally forgot to post this until today. The turkey was thawed and cooked more than a month ago.

I finally got around to cooking one of the two turkeys in my freezer. Since it was bought frozen ($12 CDN for 12 lbs), it was thawed, broken down and cooked so that the results could be refrozen to extend their use and so that I wouldn't be eating turkey for ten days straight. It was a lot of work over several days but the results were worth it, I think.

The traditional turkey plate - Roasted turkey breast, mashed potatoes with home made gravy, home made cranberry sauce and salad with sun-dried tomato dressing (by Kraft)

The Details

1. Breasts (boned out)
    - one of the breast and the two tenderloins were cut into 11 cutlets
    - the second breast was seasoned with salt and pepper, drizzled with olive oil and roasted

Turkey cutlets

Roasted boneless turkey breast

2. Wings (barring the tips) separated into two, drumsticks
  - marinated overnight in VHS honey garlic marinade and roasted

3. Thighs (boned out)
  - ground up with trimmings from the turkey carcasse to produce 6 x ~95 gm patties

Turkey patty served on home made enriched buns

4. Carcass, along with the turkey neck and the heart
  - turned into 22 cups of stock and ~400gm picked meat, 4 cups and about 100gm of the meat, plus the heart, were used for matzoh ball soup

5. Liver
  - sliced, sauteed in butter and served on sourdough bread

soup, turkey, picspam

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