Making sushi at home is easier than many imagine.
There are a few basic ingredients: short grain sushi rice, rice vinegar, sugar, salt, toasted nori sheets (full or half size). Fillings vary, of course, but the unsung heroes of sushi are the condiments like soy sauce, pickled ginger and wasabi.
And sauces ... to include in your roll or to drizzle over the rolls for a garnish.
Sriracha and Wasabi Mayonnaise
Unless you're planning on a big party, only make small amounts of the sauce shortly before making your sushi rolls.
Basic Mayo Sauce Recipe - 1/4 cup home made or commercial mayo (or Miracle Whip) and 1/2 tsp Sriracha or a rounded 1/2 tsp of wasabi powder. Stir into the mayo and taste. Add more of the add in, or the mayo depending on your preference.
Getting ready to make the sushi rolls: sharp knife, working/cutting surface, rolling mat and a freezer bag to wrap the mat in so it stays clean.
Nori ... nori sheets have a smooth/shiny side and a rough side (left of the picture). The rice is placed on the rough side.
Along with making the more commonly known maki sushi rolls, I made something called "gunkan" or battleship sushi.
Instructions for making the Gunkan sushi:
1 1/2 inch wide strip of nori
2-3 tbsp (~40 gm) cooked rice per rice ball, shaped into a 1 1/2-2 inch oval.
Wrap the strip of nori around the rice ball.
Top with about a tablespoon of desired filling ... like the spicy Sriracha shredded 'crab stick' below.