August/Summer Wrap-Up ... Butter Saffron Basmati Rice and Pepperoni Pizza Sourdough Bread Loaf

Sep 01, 2017 22:50


Summer has been much too short. Of course, I didn't get much accomplished. In fact, I can't even remember the semi-ambitious plans I had made.

Next year, I'm going to have to make and post a list of To Do's to keep me on track ( Read more... )

sourdough, dessert, thai/viet, rice, pizza, cheese, recipe, italian, cake, indian, cupcakes, chicken, cream cheese, basmati

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a_boleyn September 3 2017, 16:45:21 UTC
I love shrimp too. I spent a lot of money on a big bag of raw, large sized frozen shrimp at Costco and will be going through it carefully until it's all gone. Cause I could devour it all cooked simply in olive oil/butter, garlic and some salt and pepper. :)

All you need is a packet or two of active dry yeast and some flour. I have an 'easy' white bread recipe shared on one of my bread baking groups that you might like. The easy part refers to the use of double the amount of yeast, and lots of sugar, which shortens the resting/doubling and proofing times. Take a look and see if it's something you might like to do. You don't need a loaf pan to bake it in if you don't have it. You can bake the bread loaf on a baking sheet or shape the dough into bun/rolls and bake them in an oiled 9 inch by 13 inch baking pan.


Debra Collins' Easy White Bread - makes 1 loaf of bread (in 8" x 4", 9" x 5" or 13" Pullman), 2 Free Form loaves, 15 dinner rolls baked in a 9" x 13" pan.

1 1/4 cup warm water
3 tbsp sugar
5 tsp (or 2 packets at 2 1/4 tsp each) active dry yeast
1- 1 1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup oil or melted butter
3 - 3 1/2 cup all purpose unbleached flour

Put warm water, yeast and sugar in a medium sized bowl and stir until dissolved. Let sit for about 5-10 minutes or until foamy.

When yeast blooms/bubbles, add salt and oil/butter, stir until salt is dissolved.

Start adding flour slowly (1/2 cup at a time) and stir with spoon until you can't stir any more.

Flour your hands and turn out dough on a lightly floured surface and keep adding flour as you knead. This is going to take several minutes, adding just a bit of flour at a time. After adding flour just form a ball and cover with your bowl.

Let rise 5 minutes.

For shaping a bread loaf:

Roll the dough out with a rolling pin or gently press with your knuckles, until it becomes a rectangle (10" x 14").

Roll up and place the dough, pinched seam down, into a greased loaf pan. Cover with a towel and let rise 20 minutes, or until double in size, in a warm place.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit and cut a slit in the top of the bread. Brush with a little egg glaze or milk.

Bake approx. 20-30 minutes until done.

Remove the loaf of bread from the pan and cool on a wire rack before cutting.


delphipsmith September 3 2017, 16:57:00 UTC
Thanks! Have you tried it -- or has Debra Collins tried it -- with a gluten-free substitute like Cup 4 Cup? They have some good recipes for breads and brioches on their website, so I thought I'd start with one of those. Cheddar beer bread, for example, mmmm.


a_boleyn September 3 2017, 19:51:13 UTC
No idea. There are no notes about that so I wouldn't want to venture a guess. If gluten is an issue, I'd use one of the recipes on the website. Hope it's a great success.


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