Depressing Saturday and a Fun Kitchen Toy

Apr 29, 2017 15:03

I had Friday off because of a PD day so I went out and ran a bunch of errands. I'm SO glad I did so cause it was nice and sunny and not very cold at all. I had lots of energy. I even made a batch of sourdough English muffins using a new recipe when I got home. The results were ok but too fiddly to repeat so I'd stick with my previous version.

Today is a gray and miserable day and I'm not in the mood to go out.

So, I boiled up a smoked picnic shoulder ham. Which I sliced and made a sandwich with on a toasted English muffin, from yesterday's bake, slathered with smooth peanut butter. That should tide me over for a while.

And I'm baking a quinoa honey whole wheat sourdough loaf.

I may even post some pictures.

Speaking of pictures ... one of the errands yesterday was to Canadian Tire to price their digital scales. I bought a very very cheap one. It does just what I need it to and not much more. The brand isn't one I consider even middle end, but the price was right. And it was red. (WIN WIN)

Right now, I'm doing a load of laundry while my bread final proofs. I hope tomorrow is a much nicer day.

picspam, gadgets, weekend cooking plan

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