Odds and Ends of Meals over the last 4 weeks

Nov 14, 2016 17:50

Warning: LOTS of pictures

I haven't made anything post worthy in ages. Maybe the sourdough focaccia I made a few days ago. But, I'm sure you've had enough of my sourdough/bread posts. (Or, maybe, not.)

Still, a woman's got to eat and I've been doing pretty well over the last 2-4 weeks.

I even made some Halloween themed sugar cookies and tried to decorate them. THAT was fun ... NOT!

At least they tasted good.

Snacks like spicy salami, brie and quince paste on toasted crostini (I bought a baguette at the grocery store).

Various meals ... mostly chicken (or turkey) and pork

Hot Italian sausage in a creamy blush sauce over shell pasta

Sourdough Tartine loaf toasted and topped with tuna or egg salad. A few pancakes with the sourdough starter discard. (The rest of the starter ended up in that focaccia, I mentioned.)

miscellaneous, potatoes, pork, seafood, chinese, veggies, japanese, chicken

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