Ham, Potato and Corn Chowder, Chicken Breast Duo and Honeycomb

Oct 05, 2016 18:03

It's fall time again and with the nip in the air, and my kitchen, I'm planning more substantial cooking projects that will warm me up.

Like this ham, potato and corn chowder I found on someone's blog. The ingredients are similar to a previous soup I've posted, other than using a roux to thicken it up to the consistency of a chowder. You can add ( Read more... )

soup, potatoes, veggies, chowder, nuts, picspam, ham, middle eastern, chicken, candy

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iulia_linnea October 6 2016, 02:20:10 UTC
I've never honeycombed anything; that looks worth trying! And, as usually, you've made me hungry at a time when I have no right to be. :P


a_boleyn October 6 2016, 02:48:10 UTC
Thank you for the compliment.

Speaking of honeycomb .. I'm a bit of an anglophile and ran across the name 'honeycomb' in a book I read. Always wanted to make or try it.

Just ended up pitching a test batch of brown sugar/molasses instead of white sugar/corn syrup. Burned the sugar. Oh well, it's only sugar. :)


iulia_linnea October 6 2016, 02:49:59 UTC
I have no business trying the honeycomb, but I'm going to, anyway.

Regency romances, especially Chesney's, are full of recipes I'd like to at least see. The number of courses those people used to eat is staggering.

(I'm off to walk Albus, but I'll be back.) :D


a_boleyn October 6 2016, 03:34:31 UTC
I don't remember reading anything by Chesney. Do you recall any dishes in particular?

My last Xmas dinner was British themed especially the mincemeat tarts. Though I cheated and bought the mincemeat. Some things I don't bother making from scratch. :)


iulia_linnea October 6 2016, 03:55:20 UTC
I can't think of any right now, but I'll try to find some menus soon.

Mmm. I love sweet mince (I crack open a jar of Crosse & Blackwell every year) but have never made it. I've always wanted to try the savory kind; have you ever had it?


a_boleyn October 6 2016, 03:59:37 UTC
I didn't know there was a savoury version of mincemeat. I bought a store brand and I thought it was tasty. Maybe could have used some more rum. :)


iulia_linnea October 6 2016, 04:08:33 UTC
Yep, shredded or minced meat, suet, dried fruit, and spices make up the savory version, though I suppose not necessarily the suet any longer. Apparently, my great grandmother was known for hers, but she made small ones for my great grandfather to take to work.

The pure fruit mincemeat always needs more rum!


a_boleyn October 6 2016, 04:23:16 UTC
I didn't find the mincemeat overly sweet but I don't know if it was savoury or not. I'll have to find a jar next time I go to the grocery store and check it out. Looks like I didn't take a picture of the jar.



iulia_linnea October 6 2016, 04:29:41 UTC
I just found out that jarred savory mincemeat exists! None Such is the brand; I'll have to try it. If it's good, I may make it. :)


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