August Round-Up - Part 3 Various

Sep 11, 2015 01:00

SEPTEMBER TEASER: English muffins and hamburger buns

Some more goodies I made near the end of the month.

I tried a new matar paneer recipe and made 12 oz of fresh paneer to use in it. There was a lot of tomato gravy at the end, much more so than in the previous version I made. I added a bit of whipping cream to the sauce to sweeten it.

Indian Meal - purchased roti, chicken tikka, yogurt, basmati rice and matar paneer. All served with some refreshing lemonade. I made some pretty tasty Indian rice pudding with the leftover basmati rice (the next day, Sept 1, but I'm including it in this post).


Indian Rice Pudding (Rice Kheer) - serves 2-3

1 cup cooked basmati rice
1 1/2 cups milk
1/2 cup whipping cream
3 tbsp sugar
1/4 cup raisins
a pinch cardamom powder

In a saucepan combine the above and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to simmer and cook, stirring gently, until the pudding has thickened as much as desired, about 20 minutes

Take the saucepan off the heat and let sit for at least 10 minutes during which time it will thicken a bit more.

Refrigerate and serve cold or room temperature.

Chinese stir fry ... boneless pork loin, tofu and broccoli in black bean sauce served over angel hair rice noodles

Mussels in Garlic Butter over Fettuccine

Baked salmon with tzatziki over Mexican rice with a side of spinach and feta phyllo squares

Home made falafel and hummus dip

Ham ... boiled and prepped for the freezer. I hope to do something creative with the pork skin eventually.

Hearty breakfast with the 66% whole wheat loaf

Close-up of the fried eggs and ham.

Peanut Brittle

Espresso Panna Cotta with Peanut Brittle garnish - not very prettty (the vanilla bean settled to the bottom) but it was easy to make ... and tasty

You can always eat it directly out of the ramekin, of course.

dessert, rice, cheese, italian, paneer, chinese, veggies, pudding, ham, picspam, indian, candy, panna cotta

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