Pork Tenderloin with Plum-Balsamic Vinegar Reduction

Oct 24, 2014 19:07

If you surf the web for recipes on cooking pork tenderloin in the oven, you'll see a range of temperatures recommended. While looking for similar recipes to the dish that I wanted to make here, I found recommendations of 350 deg F, 375 deg F and 400 deg F. Most recipes, however, agree that you should cook your pork to 145 deg F internal temperature and then tent it and let it rest for about 3 minutes, before slicing and serving.

You should also start with a room temperature tenderloin, so let it sit on the counter for about half an hour before you start cooking, similar to what you'd do with a good steak.

I picked 375 deg F since I wanted to cook the accompanying veggies in the oven at the same time.

Roasted veggies (baby bok choy and carrots), rice and pork tenderloin with the plum-balsamic vinegar reduction - The veggies were roasting for about 20 minutes before the pan-seared tenderloin was placed into the oven so everything would be done at the same time.

Pork Tenderloin with Plum-Balsamic Vinegar Reduction - serves 4

1 pound pork tenderloin
1/2 tsp dried thyme
salt and ground black pepper to taste, start with 1/4 tsp each
1 tbsp olive oil

Plum-Balsamic Vinegar Reduction - makes ~1 cup, enough for 4-6 servings

4 Angelino plums (~ 1 1/2 cups), pitted and chopped into 6 or 8 pieces
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp blueberry or orange juice** (optional)

** What I used

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.

Tenderloin and veggies - ready to season and pan sear the tenderloin

Combine thyme, salt and pepper and rub all over the tenderloin.

Heat a cast iron skillet over medium to medium high heat, add oil and when it shimmers, gently lay the tenderloin into the hot oil. After about 2 minutes,  turn over to another side. Cook until the pork is seared a golden brown color on all four sides (about 8 minutes total). You'll probably have to support the tenderloin on at least one of the narrower sides.

Transfer the pork to the lined baking sheet and place into the pre-heated oven.

Roast the seared tenderloin in the preheated oven until a thermometer inserted into the center of the pork reads at least 145 degrees F, about 15-20 minutes.

Checking the temperature of the tenderloin

Remove the pork from the oven, cover with aluminum foil and allow to rest for 3 minutes before slicing the tenderloin into medallions.

Tenderloin rested and ready to serve - I got the timing almost perfect this time

Making the Plum-Balsamic Vinegar Reduction:

Plums and reduction ingredients

Cook the plums, balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, honey, and juice, covered, in a small saucepan over medium heat, stirring often, until the plums are soft, about 10 minutes.

Puree until smooth using a wand blender, or transfer the sauce to a bar type blender, and then return the pureed sauce to the saucepan and simmer about 5 more minutes until the liquid is reduced and the sauce is thickened as desired.

Spoon plum sauce over the sliced pork to serve.

pork, recipe, fruit, veggies

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