Spam and Sushi Rice - Teaser Post

Nov 04, 2012 16:46

I vaguely remember eating Spam in my teens but for the last 35 yrs (it's hard to believe it's been that long), no can of Spam has ever entered my domicile. Until just before my surgery. I did a big shop and came home with a can and plans ... oh the plans were running around my brain like a hamster on a wheel. :)

Here's what I started with.

And this was the result.

Do you want to know more?


Of course you do. :)

First, open the can using the pull tab on the top.

Then shake REALLY hard to get the solid mass of SPAM (aka spiced ham) out. It might smell a little strange but to me it's most similar to the smell of baloney. Then lay it down on a cutting surface and slice evenly into horizontal slices that are 1/4" thick. I was able to get 9 more or less even slices out of a 340 gm (12 oz) can.

Then, get out a large non-stick frying pan and brown both sides of your slices of Spam.

And, cook 2 cups of raw sushi rice so you'll end up with 4 cups of cooked sushi rice.

The next step ... well, you'll have to wait for the next post for that. :)

japanese, picspam, rice, spam, hawaiian, sushi

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