Jun 11, 2007 20:52
In Your Subtitles
Here I go, I'm a movie.
Soon, I will be in your theatre.
We'll make a script
With a thousand lines
A million gestures
Of romance and love
Win awards saying:
"Best Love that Ever Existed in the Physical Universe that Defied the Laws"
A film that is about love
What it does, what you do (que que, Amor)
A film that has the best timing
When to say this, when to do that (quando quando, Amor)
A film that follows the verisimilitude of earth
Where to do this, where to ask you that (donde donde, Amor)
A film that has mechanics and style
How that is, how this feels (como como, Amor)
A film that has reason
Why this happened, why that occurred (por que por que, Amor)
A film about us
You and me
Nosotros, Amor
Aheehee. I'm cheesy like that. Okay! Hello! :)) Feeding Program and KFC bonding was fun. XX, Eo6, Bandwidth, miss ko na kayo. :D