Oh you just gon' keep it like you never knew.

May 25, 2009 05:02

Fucking Krunal man. I just started talking to him again within the past 2, maybe 3 days. I was just talking to him now and he has me

Tell me how this dickhead started asking me about Joe. "Are you plannin on getting wit Joe again?"
Like it's his business who I'm talking to or anything. And he wouldn't get off the subject- despite me trying to change it.
Then he gets in his controlling mode and he's all "you better let me know what's going on when you get there" Really? He's serious?- Wait, there's more. He goes on to say, "don't even think about doing anythin wit him"
That's when I snapped. Who the fuck does he think he is telling me this? We haven't been together in.. years? now and he fucked things up with me already. Why's he digging himself this hole?
The conversation ended a few moments after he took in what I said to him. (in a nutshell, just telling him it's not his business who I'm with and what I'm doing with them)


Anyway, an extremely old friend of mine from Florida (from back when I was learning English!) found me on facebook the other day. He's actually the son to a mutual friend of my parents. We used to play all the time when we were little kids at gatherings and whatnot. Anyway, we've been playing catch-up and it's been pretty fun hearing from such an unexpected person.

I need to stay awake for another another hour to get to the gym. I feel like I just got back from there.
I'm telling myself to go once in the morning and once tomorrow night.

I finally got to have something of a conversation with Joey today. He's been partying so HARD lately. I don't know how he does it.

This headache will be the death of me.

Good night to you.
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